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A high performance topcoat with texture appearance, based on acrylic emulsion. It gives smooth, strong, homogenous and attractive finish in a single coat with long furrows lines to provide a beautiful decorative finish.
Recommended Use :
Recommended to use for exterior and interior applictions on concrete, cement and brick surfaces of educational institutions, residential, commercial and industrial buildings.
Tax Inclusive
Saudi Riyal 129.95

Paint Calculator

استخدم حاسبة الدهان لحساب كمية الدهان المطلوبة لمساحة معينة
طريقة الحساب هي انه يتم حساب مجموع الأمتار المربعة المراد طلائها وقسمتها على معدل التغطية لكل لتر للمنتج المراد طلاءه ثم تضرب النتيجة في عدد الطبقات المطلوبة.
Paint Calculator

Application Guide

Application Guide
  • Apply a layer of “تايم سلركس” primer according to the “نيوتكس” color and leave it until dry.
  • Apply one layer of “نيوتكس” using two metal trowels.
  • Forming the desired appearance using the plastic bruh, and cleaning the bruh of stuck-on particles with a sponge saturated with water when necessary during shaping.
  • The surface is smoothed and coordinated with a plastic brush to give a harmonious aesthetic shape and appearance (as desired)

  • To achieve the rate of spread and obtain the desired shape, the “نيوتكس” coating process must be carried out by a professional painter
  • Firm pressure must be applied with a trowel or trowel during application to obtain high adhesion.
  • Particular importance must be given when painting circularly shaped surfaces
Containers And Coverage
The theoretical diffusion rate is 0.4 m2 per kg , at a dry layer thickness of 2000 microns
30KG Can
Coverage : 12 m2
* Paint coverage depends on various factors like surface type, application method, and tools used. The coverage distance is based on one coat of paint on white color.


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